
Sunday, October 31, 2004

Hell Week Begins!

It seems only fitting that this week should begin on Halloween. First the Redskins lose to the Packers on a phantom illegal motion call that negated the potentially game-winning touchdown. Then on Tuesday, I anticipate that John F. Kerry will defeat George W. Bush taking this week from dreary to downright miserable.

On a bright note, I was able to go the Skins game today. I went with my mother-in-law. We had pretty good seats (Section 419, row 2), and even though she's a Packer fan and the good guys lost, she was fun to go with and we had a great time.

In about 48 hours, we'll know who the next president is. Regardless of who wins, at least this stupid election will be over and we'll be able to focus on important issues, like why can't Mark Brunell complete a pass over 5 yards? He is SO TERRIBLE!

Anyway, I hope your Halloween was a good one and just remember, only 200 days until RotS!


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