
Sunday, October 24, 2004

Good Sermon

Today in church, Pastor Gray talked about the importance of small groups.

My wife, Stephanie, and I have been involved in a small group for several months now. In the short time that we've been together, our group has grown fairly close. Through the relationships that we've built in that short time our walk with God is stronger, our marriage is stronger, and our commitment to the group is stronger. That's not to say we don't struggle daily with the challenges of this world (heck, as a Redskins fan I struggle with anger every Sunday afternoon), but we have a group that we can share those struggles with, without worrying about being judged or looked down upon. Because we, as a group, have committed to loving one another and because we, as a group, understand that we all have struggles and no one in the group is better than anyone else. We are all God's children.

In a culture where we are told to go it alone, its nice to belong to a church and a small group that rejects that mentality and instead embraces God's Word and His love for His people.

I'm thankful that God blessed Dennis with the vision to start small groups in our church and I hope that vision continues until every member of our church is a member of a small group.

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer" (Acts 2:42)


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