
Monday, October 25, 2004

All Heck Breaks Loose

With one week to go before the election, the direction of the race seems to be more uncertain than ever.

According to USA Today/Gallup, Bush maintains a 5-point lead over Kerry, 51-48. However, the latest Washington Post Poll shows Kerry overtaking the President 49-48. A host of other polls show offer zero insight into the psyche of the American electorate.

When you look at the race on the state level things get even more hectic. Bush now leads in Wisconsin, Hawaii and New Mexico (all states that Gore took in 2000). Kerry meanwhile, has overtaken the President in Colorado and New Hampshire and pulled even in Arkansas (Bush wins in 2000). Throw into that the deadheat races of Florida and Ohio and this thing is getting crazy!

I still think we'll be able to go to bed fairly early knowing that John Kerry will be the next President, but the drama is too much to handle.


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